Yay! The Joseph City Pool is FINALLY open! Although it is not completely ready (the diving board didn't get installed right and some other thing that I don't understand) they said to just open the pool. It has definitely been LONG over due that's FOR SURE! I was told we would open it in the being of June, the the 4th of July, and it opened yesterday- which was July 29th... definitely long over due. Anyway- it was tons of fun to go swimming yesterday, I miss the water. The other thing that stinks though is the boilers are also not working- and the water is a bit on the chilly side. I had tons of little kids that I told to go outside and get warm because their lips were getting blue... not good.. ha ha. Anyway- I'm still excited.
It was kind of a bummer living up here and her being down there cuz I couldn't do anything for her- oh well, we'll have our chance before she leaves on her mission. Aw I'm gonna miss her.
Looks like now you're going to be able to get a tan...and teach little kids to swim! I think swim lessons was the most enjoyable part about lifeguarding!
Tell Whitney that I said congrats! AND, tell Jolene Hi for me. :) I am so excited for you to be having a girl. Kathy said you had some cute names picked out. Keep us posted on all the fun developments of things. :)
I definitely JUST read this post!! Thanks for the birthday wishes!! however long later... Love you guys!
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