Wednesday, July 30, 2008

FINALLY Open! and Happy Birthday Whitney!

Yay! The Joseph City Pool is FINALLY open! Although it is not completely ready (the diving board didn't get installed right and some other thing that I don't understand) they said to just open the pool. It has definitely been LONG over due that's FOR SURE! I was told we would open it in the being of June, the the 4th of July, and it opened yesterday- which was July 29th... definitely long over due. Anyway- it was tons of fun to go swimming yesterday, I miss the water. The other thing that stinks though is the boilers are also not working- and the water is a bit on the chilly side. I had tons of little kids that I told to go outside and get warm because their lips were getting blue... not good.. ha ha. Anyway- I'm still excited.

It was kind of a bummer living up here and her being down there cuz I couldn't do anything for her- oh well, we'll have our chance before she leaves on her mission. Aw I'm gonna miss her.


Steven said...

Looks like now you're going to be able to get a tan...and teach little kids to swim! I think swim lessons was the most enjoyable part about lifeguarding!

Carroll Farm said...

Tell Whitney that I said congrats! AND, tell Jolene Hi for me. :) I am so excited for you to be having a girl. Kathy said you had some cute names picked out. Keep us posted on all the fun developments of things. :)

Whitney said...

I definitely JUST read this post!! Thanks for the birthday wishes!! however long later... Love you guys!