Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What have we been doing?!

The past few weeks have been quite a roller coaster ride with the house situation. On Monday we were told we were approved for our loan and that the papers should be ready soon, then we were told that 1 out of 10 loans get audited by the wholesale lender, and ours just so happened to get picked! So that would take another 24-48 hours to go through. We were told this afternoon that the paperwork was approved by the auditor and now will take 24-48 hours to get to the title company. That means we SHOULD sign papers in the next couple days... for some reason I don't really believe it... well maybe that's because I've thought for the past three weekends that we'd be moving that weekend. We'll keep you posted :)

Here are some super cute pictures that depicts what we've been up to...

Daddy and Macy had a fun time playing together while he wasn't at the school working on his production of "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"- which, in my opinion, was way better than the movie :)
The weekend before my friend Whitney and her now husband Tyler got married we went to the temple and watched as they took their formal pictures, Macy had a super cute outfit on so we got some pictures of her in the grass, on a blanket of course- we couldn't get a grass stain on that super cute white shirt! (later in the day she overflowed on to her pants so we just should have done it- oh well) This is also what we call her "superman" move- one hand in the air and one at her chest, she does it all the time, super cute.

Aw- the cute couple! Sealed for time and all eternity! We love you guys!

Daddy and Macy in her super cute Cardinals outfit. Matching bow and everything.

I just love this picture, her eyes are so big! I think they are very pretty eyes.

There's a cute smile! A real one, she wasn't laughing at me, she was laughing at Daddy.

Macy watching Baby Einstein... she likes it. She fell asleep :)
Macy playing on the awesome play mat that Brooke Jenkins (thank you!!) let us borrow.

Lil' Stinker LOVES her fingers and her hands in her mouth. A lot of times she spits out her pacifier so she can put her fingers in her mouth. If you click on this one you can see how she has a couple of her fingers right by her mouth, she decided to fall asleep with those in her mouth instead. I guess it would be better than a paci, I don't have to keep putting the fingers in her mouth but I do with the paci :)
That's what we've been up to! Waiting to move into our adorable house, Kyle's awesome musical, playing with baby Macy, and counting the days until I'm done with school :)


Jodie said...

I LOVE the pics. Thanks for posting some new ones. Macy is cuter every day, if that's possible!

Jennifer said...

She is beautiful!