Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Just a bunch of sickies

This winter has been full of doctors appointments and sickies. At the beginning of February Macy's preschool had a dental hygienist come in give the kids a fluoride treatment. It was a grant that Navajo County got, so it was for all kids 0-5. I took London in because we haven't taken them to the dentist yet (bad mom award) and they gave me a little sheet that said she had "questionable" areas in her mouth that needed to be seen by a dentist. I already knew that she might have two cavities, but I was hoping it was just staining. I took her into Around the Mountain Pediatric Dentistry and they confirmed that she had 6 cavities. She needs two crowns and 4 fillings. We got all the paperwork ready and a  month later she had a follow-up visit to see if anything had gotten worse, and yay for me, it hadn't. He even said he was very impressed, so I earned back a couple mom points. She has an appointment on May 8th to get all the work done. She has to go under general anesthesia so it will be at an outpatient surgical center. I'll update on that next week.

About two weeks ago Bentley started getting really crabby and clingy again, which is not like our Bentley at all. Once he started a fever I knew something was wrong so we took him into the doctor. We came out with a prescription for a double ear infection. The next day he had gotten hives, so I called the doctor and they said he was probably allergic to the amoxicillian and gave us a different prescription  10 days later, the doctor wanted to see him again to make sure the ear infection was gone- and it wasn't and he was still crabby. This time we left with two prescriptions for thrush, a different prescription for the ear infection, and some breathing treatment tube things for bronchiolitis  again. The bronchiolitis has really calmed down and he sounds much better when he breaths so I'm super happy about that. The thrush seems less, but I don't think it'll fully recover until we can get him off the antibiotic. Dr. Peterson wants to see us again when he's off the antibiotic to make sure the ear infection is gone, and if it's not we are going to have to go see a specialist.

Bentley wasn't very happy when he found out he needed more breathing treatments and another round of antibiotics.

Macy is doing great though! :) She has her first dentist appointment this Friday, but I'm not worried about her teeth in the least. I can't see between all her teeth, but to the naked eye they look pretty good. Cross your fingers for us! She is loving preschool and is getting to be sure a smart kid. You gotta be on your toes with this one or she'll figure out how to get what she wants without you even knowing it. We met with her preschool teacher in March for Parent Teacher Conferences and she just kept saying "she's just so smart". Sometimes it's not so good though- Santa brought them bikes for Christmas and she is scared to go fast because she's afraid she'll get hurt. She told me yesterday that getting her come knee pads and "arm thingies" would help her ride fast. Once London started passing her she got over that real quick. :)

It's just been every day life around here lately. Nothing too exciting, but when I find the computer cord I'll add some pictures :)

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