Monday, September 28, 2009

New Tricks

Macy has been doing this weird smile thing, she tilts her head back really far so that she can't see you anymore and goes HMMMM... if you hmm at her first, she's tilt the head and hm back. What a crack-up!

I was looking for the remote this morning and found it under Macy's exersaucer, along with a comb, curly ribbon, her puffs, and a toy. All her favorite things.

Last night we heard a happy squeal from her bedroom, she has pulled herself up and was holding onto the crib. She is walking around the couches and coffee table like crazy. Ugh I'm not ready this! :(


Kathy said...

Careful- looks like she has a hoarding gene from someplace .. have no idea from where ...
Do you remember that picture we have from after dads first RAAM - the one where Wes is doing that "smile in the air" thing..

Kyle & Alli said...

totally!! That's EXACTLY what she does. That's really funny I forgot about that. What goofs!

Emily Gardner said...

Oh my goodness! She's growing up so fast!!!