Image by dbking via FlickrThe first time I ever hear the term "Entitlement Generation" was as a college student at MCC. I was in Dr. Glenn Bennett's A Capella Choir and we just weren't getting the results he expected out of us and it was clear that it wasn't due to a lack of talent but rather a lack of effort. Finally he reached his boiling point and proceeded to explain to the class what was wrong with our generation.
You act like everything is just owed you and that you don't have to earn anything yourself he explained. You have been spoon fed since you were babies and now you think everyone is just going to continue to pamper and baby you. He continued for some time driving home his point and to be honest I don't remember many changes in the class after that day.
I agree my generation has earned the Entitlement reputation. I will not deny it but i'm not one to let things rest that easy. I believe it goes farther than just my generation. Also, I don't believe that my genration just woke up one day and decided to feel this way. So who's fault is it?
Did you catch that? It was that easy, I assumed it wasn't my fault and there must be some external force, forcing me to be who I am.
As I have seen the Presidential Election play out I seem to see a lot of finger pointing. I don't see solutions. Is that not the essence of entitlement?
Whoever the next President is going to be is going to have a tough time making changes as long as we keep trying to live in our little bubble pretending every little thing that happens to us is someone else's fault.
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