Okay all you Moms! It's officially my first shout to post to you guys for some advice!
Macy has such a stuffy nose at night for about 2 weeks and it makes her not be able to eat good at night and when it gets too clogged she wakes up cuz she can't breathe and it makes her wake herself up... I've tried saline drops with the sucker bulb thing, a humidifier, and putting her in a car seat to sleep so she can be elevated... and now her boogers from the sucker thing are starting to get bloody. She doesn't have it during the day, just at night, and she doesn't have a fever or anything... I called the Dr and asked them what else I can do and they are the ones that said put her in a car seat and if that doesn't work bring her in so they can check on her... but I don't wanna pay 25 bucks and an hour of driving one way for them to say "yup- stuffy nose, it'll get better. have a good day"... SO is there anything else that I can try, should I just wait it out, or should I suck it up and take her to the doctor?...
Well, my idea was a cool mist humidifier. Sounds like you have done that already. Poor little peanut...and poor mommy! It's hard because she is still so little so there's nothing you can really give her, etc. Let me think on this and get back to you.....Kiss her for me!
You can elevate the "head" end of her bed slightly...like with a small book or a receiving blanket folded up under the mattress.
Steven slept like that for along time in his crib.
Id keep running the humidifier though also.
You've done everything I would of done. Maybe wait it out another day or two and see if she clears up at all. I hate saline and suctioning their little noses but just do it as much as possible to help her keep her nose clear. Jonah got RSV when he was that age which is not fun. If it doesn't get better take her in just in case.
Addie is suffering the same thing right now! Her pedi said to keep saline/suctioning, humidifier and elevated sleeping. Just watch her for RSV! Poor Macy!
How do you know Caleb and Marie???? Marie is my cousin!!!
Just teach her how to pick her nose. That's why we have fingers!!!!
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